Climate change and capitalism
I’ve long pushed the view that the so-called “free market” (or capitalism or however you care to slice and dice economics in the US and similar countries) should not be viewed as an end in itself, an...
View ArticleBursting carbon’s bubble
And we continue, sometimes with aching lack of speed, to connect the dots. Specifically, people are now focusing on what it means if we do what everyone says we must — leave most of the fossil fuels we...
View ArticleDo NOT look at the monster under your bed
Growth in crop yields inadequate to feed the world by 2050 – research (histrionic emphasis added): If the world is to grow enough food for the projected global population in 2050, agricultural...
View ArticleWhen this baby hits 88 MPH…
The title of this post is, of course, stolen from one of my favorite lines from the Back to the Future movies, when Doc Brown tells Marty, “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles...
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